Bourses pour les cycles de maitrise, doc et post-doc
Asian Development Bank - Japan Scholarship Program
Scholarships in Business and Economics--Humboldt-Universitat, Germany
Atsumi International Scholarship Foundation (AISF)
The United Nations - The Nippon Foundation of Japan Fellowship Programme 2007/2008
SEASREP Grant-Ph.D. and Research For Southeast Asian Studies
PhD Studentship in Information Systems
PhD & Postdoctoral Fellows, Sustainable Development
Swiss scholarships for university studies
Sida Scholarships-Sweden
Engineering and Science PhD Scholarship - Aalborg, Denmark
PhD Scholarship Department of Civil Engineering
The UNU Fisheries Training Prgramme
International Fellowship Scholarship Program for Women - USA
Ph.D.-student position in the Solid State Physics - U twente, NL
PhD Studentship Institute of Petroleum Engineering -UK
CIMO Fellowships -Finland
AYF Fellowship-JAPAN (2007)
NAEd Postdoctoral Fellowship
PhD Scholarship Flinders University Australia
New Zealand Development Scholarships
Swedish Institute scholarships
Ford Foundation International Fellowships Program
VLIR Scholarships (2007-2008)- Belgium
John Henry Brookes International Scholarships, UK
PhD Position at University of Twente, The Netherlands
PhD in Cryptographic Protocols-Bochum- Germany
PhD in Morphogenesis-EMBL Heidelberg, Germany
PhD Student, McGill University, Canada
PhD Fellowships at University of Padova, Italy
PhD Studentship in Chemical Engineering at NTUST, Taiwan
ABBEST PhD Research Scholarships, Ireland
Graduate Student Position at KTH, Sweden
PhD in Numerical Analysis and Applications in Finance, Norway
PhD felllowship at FMI, Basel, Swiss
Research Grants in Oceanography and Experimental Geophysics- Italy
Neurolinguistics: PhD Student, McGill University, Canada
New Admission at JGSEE-Bangkok
The SEASREP Grant (for promoting Southeast Asian studies )
PhD Positions at The International Max Planck Research School for Molecular and Cellular Life Sciences
East-West Center Graduate Degree Fellowship Program 2007
Wageningen University ,The Netherlands - PhD positions
PhD Scholarships-Politecnico di Milano, Italy
Research grant from ISF
Scholarship possibilities- Ghent University, Belgium
RSM Fellowships Program -World Bank
PhD positions in Optics and Photonics-ICFO, Spain
PhD Scholarship, Stockholm University-Sweden
PhD Scholarship in Civil Engineering-Univ. of Strathclyde-UK
Study and Scholarships at The Joint Graduate School of Energy and Environtment-Thailand
Doctoral Research Studentships-New Zealand
Postgraduate Research in Chemistry - Herriot Watt University
Various Scholarships at Monash University-Australia
Government of Canada Awards to foreign students for graduate study in Canada
PhD scholarships in Optics and Photonics-Spain
The Luisa Mallari Fellowships for M.A./Ph.D. Research in Southeast Asian Studies
Utrecht Excellence Scholarships 2006-2007 -Netherlands
Trust Jourdain Scholarship- for Masters and Doctoral Studies
PhD Studentship in Biomedical Sciences at Univ. of Birmingham-UK
PhD Position in Biomedical Signal Processing-Chalmers Univ.-Sweden
PhD Studentship in Economics/Business -Universiteit van Amsterdam, The Netherland
PhD Scholarships-University of Vienna-Austria
University of Liverpool Management School - Studenships Info
PhD Scholarships at the University of Kuopio-Finlad
International Doctoral Scholarships in Information and Comunication: Italy
Research Fellowship in Management University of Stavanger-Norway
PhD scholarships in Economics and Business: Universiteit van Amsterdam
Master Scholarships at University of Liverpool-UK
PhD scholarships in Finance- Melbourne, Australia
Various Scholarships at The University of Bath-UK
PhD Fellowships in Chemistry and Biochemistry Ruhr-Universität Bochum-Germany
Dorothy Hodgkin Post Graduate Awards (DHPA) - UK
Taiwan Scholarships Program
Environmental Research and Education Foundation PhD Scholarships -USA
The IBM Ph.D. Fellowship/Scholarships Program for the 2007/2008
Posdoctoral position in Econometrics - Sweden
Doctoral Scholarships at AGMARDT-New Zealand
Ph.D. Fellowship/Scholarships Program for the 2006-2007 Academic Year
Universität Bern - International Master's Scholarships
Postgraduate Research Scholarships- LaTrobe University
New Zealand International Doctoral Research Scholarships
SIT Study Abroad-For Undergraduate Studies
Shell and IMD MBA Alumni Scholarships - Swiss
Victoria PhD Scholarship-New Zealand
PhD, Mphil, and Masters Program in JGSEE, Bangkok-Thailand
A.E. Ringwood Scholarships for PhD Research in Ear... .
PhD, Mphil, and Masters Program in JGSEE, Bangkok-...
MKP Scholarships, Sweden (2006-2007)
Endeavour International Postgraduate Research Scho...
Government of Canada Awards Program Awards availa...
University College London :Undergraduate Entrance ...
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